It was a moment of sad departure...
Mario and Sassy
We will miss them!!!!
We had a family conference and decided that it was time to find our horses another home. They had been with us for 4 years and not serving any purpose other than kinda hanging around and eating lots of hay. We knew that we were coming upon a hard winter and to get another 6 tons of hay was going to be very tight on the wallet.
So, we began the hunt or rather look for buyers. We checked around and began hearing that horses were a dime a dozen in the area. Would we have to literally give the horses away or sell them for really, really cheap??? Two purebred Halflingers!!! It was beginning to look like it.
We then got a response from a family in Montana that wanted to make a trade after seeing the listing on Craigslist. Oh my, they were heaven sent. (See a full post on Consecrated Families). It was just what we were looking for and just what they were looking for. Thank goodness, we weren't going to have to just give the horses away. What a great deal.
This is who arrived at our homestead Monday evening:
Purebred Nubian Doe
4 years old
Pregnant--Kidding in February
Nubian Doeling
4 months
2 years old
Annie, Cloe and Lightning
Purebred Nigerian Dwarf Buck
1 year old
What have we gotten ourselves into???!!!
It has been an interesting experience so far. We did our research and decided to take the plunge. The girls are totally committed (actually, it was their decision) and are having a great time. Totally different from handling two 850 pound horses that eat like you wouldn't believe.
So, thus far, we are tickled pink and learning like crazy. I think I could get use to this. All except Racer. Boy does he have a scent. We will decide what to do with him--whether we breed him or trade him in for a Nubian Buck. He is kinda cool though. Really mellow personality.
Oh my goodness, what am I turning into. A modern day "homestead loving, make your food from scratch, quilting, homeschooling mom" country girl. I AM LOVING IT!!!
We will keep you posted.